Any time of year it's a good idea to have a few essential items in your car in case of emergency. Winter in particular brings a greater chance of breakdowns and accidents. In order to make sure you can get yourself out of a tight spot, or just wait out the tow truck, Matt discusses some car emergency essentials.
A couple things you should think about keeping year-round are: a first aid kit, a CPR face shield, and a multi-tool like the Victorinox Rescue Tool. In the Winter, staying warm is the first priority. Keeping a spare jacket and gloves, or an emergency blanket and poncho will go a long way to keeping you warm and dry. If your heat still works, you should only run your car engine a few minutes at a time while a window is cracked to prevent carbon-monoxide inhalation.
Finally, a collapsible shovel can help you get out of a tight spot in the snow. Some waterproof matches or a lighter and a can of the Magic Heat we show can also be used to melt snow, as well as keep you warm.
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